
недеља, 25. јануар 2015.

How to Make Money

The secret to making money isn't working at a high-paying job, it’s finding creative solutions to people’s problems, and it doesn't take a fancy degree to do that. To get your creative juices flowing, check out these common and not-so-common ways of lining your pockets. Below that, you’ll also find more general financial advice as well as some money-making ideas for kids.

1. Buy underpriced used books. Outfit a phone or PDA (personal data assistant) with a scanner, scan the ISBN numbers of books at used bookstores and thrift shops, and compare the asking prices with what the books are selling for on a site like Amazon. Whenever you get a good hit (which won’t be often but, since the process is fast, won’t take long, either), buy the book and resell it online. Be discreet about this, as the store managers probably won’t like what you’re doing.

2.Bargain-hunt at yard and thrift sales. If you have a bit of knowledge in a particular area (ex. Taxco Mexican silver, action figures, classic National Geographics) or even just a good eye for quality, visit private sales early and often to find unexpected deals.

5 easy ways to make money quickly

Online surveys

Searching on a laptopAn increasingly popular way for students to make money is to fill out online surveys in their spare time. Research companies are always recruiting new members to answer surveys and test new products.
For a few minutes of form filling, you can make a couple of quid which is paid as cash or in rewards. You can make up to £3 for some surveys!

Paid for searching the web

Interested in earning cash for doing what you already do online? This has to be one of the easiest methods of making money online without really any effort or change in your behavior.
This innovative idea by rewards you for searching in Google, Bing or Yahoo. You just install a simple add-on to your browser and when you conduct a search there may be a few sponsored results alongside your normal search.
qmee paid search
Each Qmee result has a cash reward attached – if you are interested in it simply click on it and collect your reward.
The best thing is there is no minimum to cashout – our first one was just 72p wired to our Paypal account. You also have the option to donate it to charity.
Sign up now for free and start earning from your own searches! Click here to start.

Social Investment Networks

The historically hard-to-break world of investing in stock markets and currencies has been cracked wide open. Today there is no need to be a fat cat or fund the yachts of Wolf of Wall Street style stock brokers. You can do it all yourself with the help of free online market trading platforms.

Having spent many hours researching this new opportunity, I’ve been experimenting with which has over 4 million users worldwide. It was recently featured in the BBC 2 documentary “Traders: Millions by the Minute” and the Financial Times.

etoro trading

One of the best things on eToro is the CopyTrader feature. This lets you literally see, follow and copy the investments of other top performing traders. There’s also lots of training material and videos to help you out, and it’s free to create an account and use.

Start trading with a reasonable deposit and learn the ropes slowly. I think $200 is a good amount to get the most out of the learning curve by trying out a few different markets. If nothing else you’ll learn a great deal about various investments and industries.

Warning: trading can be volatile and you can lose money, so don’t throw your life savings into it!

Mobile phone recycling

Sell My MobileSee how much you can get for your old mobile phone using our in-house mobile phone price comparison tool! Maybe ask your parents if they have any lying around too.

You can get some good money and help the environment by recycling mobile phones with certain companies listed on the comparison tool. Most phones are shipped off to Asia to be dismantled and we know of at least one student who received a £120 cheque in return.

‘Get Paid To’ sites

swagbucksSimilar to making money from online surveys, GPT sites reward you in cash and vouchers for completing various offers or activities online.

The most popular sites today are Toluna,, InboxPounds and PaidOffers.

Exciting update! We’ll soon be launching our own GPT service for our readers. Invites will be limited and UK only, please join our mailing list if you’re interested in hearing once it’s live:

понедељак, 15. децембар 2014.

DigAdz Zarada

DigAdz je PTC koji radi na sličan način kao i PaidVerts. Ova stranica je zapravo prava kopija Paidvertsa uz dodatak nekih sitnica koje ću pokušati opisati u ovom postu. Kako bi mogli početi zarađivati prvo se morate registrovati. Registrujte se ovdje. Ako ste napravili registraciju vrijeme je da krenemo.

Poslije registracije udjite na vas nalog i vidjecete nesto slicno ovome.

Vidjecete 3 opcije (kao na slici). Prva je DIG VALUE, na pocetku ce vam biti 0, predstavljaju oglase koji vam donose novac, onda druga opcija je DIG BONUSES, prvo se kvalifikujete za bonuse i onda postoji sansa da cete dobiti zadatke sa nekim nagradama, i treca opcija je DIG POINTS, odnosno da dobijate bodove.

Objasnjenje kako doci do zarade:

Zadatci sa novcem se dobijaju kad skupite 800 bodova. Trebacete izdvojiti 10-15 minuta svaki dan za ovaj sajt i poslije 3-4 dana cete skupiti prvih 800 bodova. Sljedjeca slika vam pokazuje zadatke kada kliknete na DIG VALUE ali cete kao sto sam napomenuo trebati skupiti 800 bodova prije dobijanja zadataka za novcem. Na isti nacin vam je prikazano i DIG POINTS samo sto je umjesto 1$ (kao na slici), prikazano 12 Points ili tako nesto, snacicete se veoma je lagano. Kada kliknete na DIG VALUE (Ili dig points u vasem slucaju), imacete tajmer od 10 sekundi. Poslije toga kliknite na opciju ispod tajmera pa ce vas prebaciti na drugu stranicu i moracete sacekati 30 sekundi pa ce vam se prikazati 5-6 slicica, vi cete morati kliknuti na dvije identicne (Slika 2.). Pa "close window" i onda cljedjeci zadatak dok ih sve ne zavrsite.

Slika 1.
Slika 2.

Kada skupite 800 bodova, odnosno points-a, sljedjeci dan ce vam doci reklame u vrijednosti skoro 1$, za to vrijeme cete najvjerovatnije dobiti i neke nagrade sa DIG BONUSES i moci napraviti prvu kampanju.

Kampanja :

Kampanja predstavlja vase ulaganje u posao. Za svaki ulozen dolar dobijate 1500 bodova i sljedjeci dan reklame u vrijednosti 1,5$ koji ce vam se prikazati na DIG VALUE. Znaci kad sakupite 1$ ide kampanja pa cete dobiti 1,5$, opet ulozite 1$, pa cete dobiti 1,5$+0,5$=2$. Onda sa 2$ mozete napraviti 2 kampanje i tako. Takodje, sto mnogi rade, mozete uloziti svojih 10ak dolara kako bi ubrzali proces zaradjivanja. Tako da ako ulozite 10$ na pocetku za mjesec dana cete zaradjivati mozda i do 10$ na dan, pa poslije dva mjeseca da i ne pricam koliko mnogo. Objasnjenje za izradu kampanja cete dobiti na kraju posta.

 Uopsteno :

Na pocetku radite zadatke dok ne skupite 800 bodova i uporedo Dig bonuses za nagrade. Poslije sakupljenih 1$ idu kampanje i tako u krug. Jedna kampanja kosta 1$ i dobijate 1500 bodova. Od tih bodova cete sutradan dobiti reklame od 1,5$ (1500 bodova = 1,5$). I tako stalno radite zadatke i dobijate bodove, od bodova novacane reklame na DIG VALUE a od novca kupujete kampanje.

Izrada kampanje (preporucujem da ovaj dio ne citate dok se ne registrujete i ne krenete raditi zadatke zato sto cete sve pomijesati sto ste procitali) : 

Pogledajte ovaj dvominutni video za detaljno uputstvo i pratite korake ispod videa.


1. Kliknite na Purchuse ads (nalazi se u opcijama iznad DIG VALUES).

2. Pa - Create bundle ads campaign.

3. Pa - I have read and understand.

4. Targeted URL - stavite ovaj link -

5. Sacekajte malo da se ucita.

6. Pa - Go to step 2.

7. Title - Paidverts
Description - Paidverts is similar to Digadz. Category - bilo sta. Benefit #1,2,3,4,5 mozete staviti bilo sta ali najlakse vam je da na sve stavite "JOIN NOW".

8. Trebate uploadovati 3 banera odredjenim velicina, evo vam slike ispod da se ne zamarate time, samo ih skinite sa ovog posta i kad budete radili kampanju uploadujte ih na digadz.



9. Next step

10. Paiment Method - Earning Balance - da vam uzme 1$ sa balansa.
11. Next step
12. I agree and accept Terms.... kliknite na kvacicu
13. Payment

I to je to, oduzece vam 1$ a dobicete 1500 bodova (points-a) u vrijednosti od 1,5$. Na pocetku je sporo ali poslije 1-2 mjeseca vidjecete kako brzo ide, takodje mi se javite da vas ubacim u grupu gdje nas je oko 800-900 sto radimo ovaj sajt pa da nam se pridruzite, svi su balkanci.

петак, 31. октобар 2014.


Njemacka kompanija WhitePins+ je platforma koja vam predstavlja proizvode mnogih kompanija, koje zele da cuju vase misljenje o njihovim proizvodima.

Kao istrazivac trzista vas zadatak je da ocenjujete slike proizvoda klikom na sliku koja vam se vise svidja.

Ukljucivanjem novih referala povecava se i zarada. Ucesce je potpuno BESPLATNO i nemate nikakve troskove.

Sajt je na njemackom i engleskom jeziku. Isplata moze preko deviznog racuna, PayPal, ili Skrill.

Link za registraciju:

Kada udjete na link promijenite na engleski jezik i kliknite na "Sign up for free" koji se nalazi odprilike na sredini stranice.

Uputstvo za registraciju :

1. Ponovo promijenite jezik na engleski
2. Username - vase ime na programu, nije bitno sta cete staviti, moze i pravo ime
3. First name - Ime, Last name-prezime
4. E-mail, vas email
5. E-mail adress of your friend - stavite ovu email adresu -
6. Odaberite ime vase drzave
7. Potvrdite kvacice, unesite tekst sa slike pa kliknite na "Register".

Idite na vas e-mail i otvorite link koji ste dobili

Ovdje cete trebati unijeti sljedjece elemente :

1. Datum rodjenja
2. Postanski broj
3. Ulica i broj
4. Ostalih 4-5 informacija su nebitne, napisite sta hocete a odnose se na obrazovanje, familijski status, itd.

Kada ste i ovo popunili u gornjem desnom cosku ukucajte email i sifru koju ste ranije odabrali, kad ste to uradili usli ste na Whitepins+. :)


Kad ste usli "skrolajte" malo dole i na desnoj strani cete vidjeti veliki crveni "X", kliknite na tekst odma ispod slike. Opet ukucajte email i sifru. Kad ste to uradili prikazace vam se dvije slike. Kliknite na onu koja vam se vise svidja a odma poslije toga ce vam se otvoriti jos 2 slike umjesto prve dvije i opet kliknite na onu koja vam se vise svidja. Izvrsite refresh na prvom tabu whitepinsa od prije i sutradan ce vam se ocitati 2 milje u tabeli a na mjestu gdje se nalazio crveni X sada ce biti zelena kvacica sto znaci da ste uspjesno obavili zadatke. Ocenjujete slike koje vam se više svidjaju klikom na ljepsu sliku. Dva puta odraditi je dosta ali možete oceniti više slika. Za to sutradan vam učitaju 2 miles (poena). Prvih 90 dana samo to radite i skupljajte te milje. Poslije 90 dana krecete dobijati najmanje 4e na dan, a ako dovedete nekog clana na whitepins+ dobijate 25 milja sto vam je jednako kao i 12,5 dana radjenja zadataka. Na primjer ako dovedete 20 ljudi poslije tih 90 dana dobijacete oko 10e na dan. Sistem je malo komplikovan tako da je najbolje da se registrujete i postavljate pitanja u grupi na facebooku.

Isplate se mogu vrsiti preko paypala, skrilla, itd. Samo pratite korake i ako nesto nista razumijeli slobodno pitajte na facebook grupi.

Verifikacija profila

Potrebna je i verifikacija profila kako bi se sistem zastitio od laznih profila i kako bi ste isplacivali novac. Kada se registrujete promijenite jezik na engleski, kliknite na "Profile" (na desnoj strani je), pa na "Personal Data 1", pa na "Verifizierungsdokumente hochladen". Pojavice vam se tri mjesta za uploadovanje. Na prvo mjesto uploadujte sliku prednje strane licne karte, na drugo mjesto zadnju stranu licne karte a na trece sliku nekog racuna (npr. struja). Slanje tih dokumenata je vazno zbog zastite programa od laznih profila a i takodje je vazno zbog isplacivanja novca kako bi oni provjerili da si to stvarno ti, odnosno da su to razliciti ljudi a ne samo jedan sa vise profila.

среда, 11. јун 2014.

How to Buy a Laptop

Ultraportable laptop

Multimedia laptop

Choosing your perfect laptop

There are hundreds of laptops available to buy, so how do you start narrowing down the options? From the cheap and cheerful to the sleek and expensive, we'll tell you how to go about finding the perfect model for you. A good starting point to thinking about what type of laptop you need is to consider the following:
  • What do you want to use your laptop for? Are you looking for a model that can cope with day-to-day tasks such as browsing the web, word processing and basic picture editing? Or do you want a more powerful laptop that can whiz through more demanding tasks such as editing film or playing advanced games?
  • Where do you want to use your laptop? Are you planning to get a model that will stay at home as a desktop computer replacement, or a more portable device to take out and about?

In the rest of this guide we take a closer look at the different types of laptops and what makes a good one, including which features to look out for, and which you can compromise on.
We test laptops in every category so you can find the perfect one for you. Take a look at our latest laptop reviews to see the most recent models rated and reviewed by the Which? experts.

What type of laptop do I need?

Budget laptop
Cheap laptop A budget or cheap laptop is perfect for those who want to complete everyday tasks but won't need the power you'd expect from a desktop replacement model. It could be a great starting point for those using a computer for the first time. Design is often one of the compromises so, while they are still portable, budget laptops can be a little bulky.
Would suit: students, novices, those on a budget or with basic computing needs
Find out more about how to buy the best cheap laptop, where we'll explain what features you need and the ones you can save on.
Family laptop
Family laptop As the name suggests, these laptops can cater for the whole family and, though they aren't the most powerful models you can buy, they would be perfect for going online, doing homework, emailing, sharing photos and even playing the odd basic game. The medium-sized screen means you should be able to transport this laptop to different  rooms fairly easily, though they are not likely to be portable enough to take out of the house for extended periods.
Would suit: families, those looking for a mid-priced all-rounder
Find out more about how to buy the best family laptop, where we'll explain what features you need and the ones you can save on.
Desktop replacement laptop
Desktop replacement laptop The least portable of all laptops, these computers should be comparable to desktop PCs in terms of power and features, but in a much more flexible format. They should be able to cope with basic and advanced computing work and will have a larger screen for those who want to edit photos, or watch the odd film, as well as perform office tasks.
Would suit: those looking for a big, powerful laptop to use at home
Find out more about how to buy the best desktop replacement laptop, where we'll explain what features you need and the ones you can save on.
Ultraportable laptop Just like it says on the tin, portability is the priority with these models, so they are both thin and light. It also includes the more recent sub category of ultrabooks - a relatively new Intel-christened name for super slim and portable laptops that meet its specifications - which are powerful and responsive to boot. Ultraportable laptops may not be your main computer or laptop, but an additional laptop you use when out and about or for work on the go. 
Would suit: those who work on the go, those who need proper power in a portable size
Find out more about how to buy the best ultraportable laptop, where we'll explain what features you need and the ones you can save on.
Multimedia laptop If you want to use your laptop as a one-stop shop for entertainment as well as straight out computing - playing games, watching films, listening to music or editing video - then a multimedia laptop could be right for you. These laptops are generally not so portable as you'll want a good size 15-inch plus screen. It's different to desktop replacement laptops, which may be powerful but still not handle graphically demanding tasks well.
Would suit: gaming or film fans who are looking for a model to use mainly at home.

How to Encourage a Child to Sleep in Their Own Bed

If you've got a young child who wanders into your bedroom at night and are wondering what to do about it, you're not alone. Plenty of toddlers, preschoolers, even school-aged children nationwide are sleeping with their parents at least some of the time. According to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), as many as 24% of parents have their children sleep in their beds for at least part of the night.
When Karen Higdon converted her 4-year-old twins' nursery into a "big girl room" this summer, complete with toddler beds and colorful new bedding, Kaylee and Gracie Higdon were excited, up to a point. They were eager to explore their room during the daytime. But after the sun set, the pair would nervously chatter about monsters.
When the twins were 3, Karen and Richard Higdon had snuggled up under the covers with them to make bedtime less frightening -- one girl in the nursery, one in the parents' room. A year later, the Higdons felt trapped by their routine, so they redesigned the nursery with hopes that an inviting new sleep venue would give Kaylee and Gracie confidence to sleep by themselves.
"At first, we felt like bedtime was our 'alone' time with the girls. But they were starting to get too dependent," Karen says. "We needed to wean them off of us."

Changing Habits

"There are two reasons for co-sleeping," NSF spokeswoman Jodi Mindell, author of Sleeping Through the Night, says. "One is a family lifestyle decision; it's important to the parents. Reason two is reactive co-sleeping. You don't really want them there, but it's easier than having to solve a problem at 2 a.m. No matter which you do, at some point, you'll want to make a change."
Switching a nighttime routine can be difficult because biology isn't on your side. Child sleep expert James McKenna, PhD, professor of anthropology at the University of Notre Dame, says, "There's nothing wrong with parents, or children, if they can't get their kids to sleep all night. Sleep is a flexible behavior. People needed to be able to wake up back when we had predators and nighttime was dangerous. And children who wake seek out their parents."
At the Higdon household, after three nights of a new bedtime routine -- involving nightlights, bedtime stories, music, and talking about the bedroom as a safe place filled with love -- Kaylee and Gracie were falling asleep in their own beds and sleeping in their own room all night. "Gracie told me I was right," Karen says. "There are no monsters in the room, and she loves sleeping there."
Here's how to transition your child to sleep in his own bed all night:

Start Early

It's easier to train a toddler to sleep in his room when he's in a crib since he won't be able to get out of bed and look for you. "If a child in a bed thinks he can visit you at bedtime," child sleep consultant Dana Obleman, author of The Sleep Sense Program, says, "it can turn into a game, and that's usually when problems occur.

Use Positive Language

Be encouraging and you can make your child eager to make the switch. "Say, 'Guess what? You're three! Three-year-olds get to sleep in their beds all night! Isn't this great?" Mindell says. "It's a positive spin, like 'You get to wear underwear!' instead of 'You shouldn't be wearing diapers.'"

Reconfigure Bedtime

If your child can't fall asleep without your presence, slowly withdraw yourself from the equation, Obleman says. Instead of lying in your bed together, sit on your child's bed until she falls asleep. After a few days, switch to a chair. Then gradually move the chair closer to her doorway and into the hallway.

Take Small Steps

It may not be reasonable to demand that a child who's accustomed to sleeping in your bed suddenly stay in her own room all night. So try making the separation more gradual. McKenna says, "Some parents have told me that they've had their children sleep alongside their bed in a sleeping bag. Or decide that they can have 15 minutes in your bed and then they go back."
Shannon Choe has an air mattress in her room in case her 2-, 4- or 7-year-old visits at night. "They get to be closer to us but not disrupt our sleep. And it's not so comfortable that they'll choose this option long-term," she says.

Be Consistent

It may be hard to walk your son back to his room at 3 a.m. when you have work in the morning, but be firm every night. "Think about the long term," Mindell says. "You'll have a few difficult nights, but soon, you'll all be sleeping all night."

Make it Worth Their While

Some parents offer sticker charts; others give rewards like extra playtime. Janine Bush created a toy-ticket program to stop her 6-year-old son from sneaking into her bed at 2 a.m. When her son slept consecutive nights in his own bed, he won tickets to trade in for new toys.

Outsmart Quiet Footsteps

Hang a bell on your bedroom doorknob and you'll notice when your child enters. "Say, 'When I hear that bell, it's a reminder that I get to put you back to bed," Mindell says.

Introduce a Clock

Place an inexpensive digital clock by your preschooler's bedside. "Put duct tape over the minutes and talk about the number she'll see in the dark," Obleman says. "Say, 'In our house, nobody gets up before 7. If it's not showing a 7, go back to sleep.'"

Create a Plan of Action

Instead of simply telling your child not to get out of bed, teach her how to fall back asleep. "I tell them to stay in bed, close their eyes, and think about something fun, like what they want to do on their birthdays," says Tracey Weil, whose 6-, 8-, and 9-year-olds sleep through the night. "Giving them something to think about is a great tool to help them fall back asleep."

How to Take Care of Cows

Okay, you’ve got your place, the pastures are green, the fence is built, and your REAL farmer friend just delivered your first cow. NOW WHAT?? How can I ever deal with this?

It’s really much easier than you think. A cow that has been treated well is a gentle, docile and intelligent animal that wants to please you. As a cow ages, her milk gets creamier, and she knows you better, and you her. One of my friends had a cow that died peacefully in the pasture last summer at the age of twenty-one. For the last eight years, she didn’t have any more calves, and her milk – two to four quarts a day – was for the family table. I asked my friend if she sent her cow to the butcher once she died. “No,” my friend said. “I buried her in the field. We had an understanding.”
Our cows are “house-trained.” That is, they don’t dump or urinate in the milk parlor while we’re milking them (see sidebar). I tell you this as an example of how very nice it can be to have a cow. Also: I just milk once a day, at a reasonable hour in the morning. No five a.m. business. No evening milking. Cows adjust nicely to one milking a day, and while you get less volume of milk, what you do get is cherce – creamier.
The most important consideration
is keeping your cow, and her (your) milk, healthy. And you want her to have easy births, healthy calves. Here’s the formula: keep her out on pasture 24/7 until the cold winter months. Then give her all the quality hay she wants. Period. Grass is her natural diet. We don’t give our girls any grain, except a half-pound or so while milking. We mix in a probiotic and a vitamin-mineral supplement, just as insurance. They have a salt block to lick on, and plenty of water. In three years, we’ve never had to call a vet, and every calf has been born easily and healthy (usually overnight, while we’re asleep).
Feeding grain, even just a few pounds a day, makes for a lot more milk. Since we don’t feed grain, and milk just once a day, our milk volume is quite low by most standards. I believe the milk quality is best and the cows are healthiest on all grass and hay. Our girls give us anywhere from three quarts to three gallons a day, depending on the age of the cow and where she is in her lactation cycle.
But as far as the “milking chore” itself is concerned, well, it’s really a piece of cake. Here’s my routine.
In the summer, it gets light earlier, so I get up at maybe 6, maybe 7. Although cows are creatures of habit, you don’t have to milk at the same time every day. I call in Dear, our boss cow and main milker. She comes in because she knows there’s a treat for her, and because she’s ready to be milked. I put a rope halter on her and tie her to a post in the yard between our barns, then brush her and hose down her teats, scrubbing off any mud or manure. I dry her off and then let her be for a few minutes. She knows that’s her time to “do her thing” out there in the yard, (BEFORE we go into the barn for milking), for which she is richly congratulated upon execution. Then I bring her in to the milk parlor. In winter, the cleaning takes place in there.
Each morning, my partner Elly goes to a local market where the workers give her a couple of bushels of aging produce – lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, and various other vegetables and fruits – for our animals. Once I settle Dear in her stanchion, we give her a bushel of greens to munch on while I milk her.
I milk her by hand into a pail. We never have more than two cows lactating at a time, and using a milk machine for just one or two cows and then cleaning it is more trouble than it’s worth. Besides, milking by hand is a joy in itself, very “zen.” You’re really tuned in with your cow. If you’ve cleaned her well, the milk is perfectly clean. I milk eight or ten ounces right into a cup to drink on the spot. This milk is appreciably sweeter than milk that is even ten or twenty minutes out of the cow, and I believe that as such it has nutrients and qualities that are lost soon after milking. This milk is like a hot latte, sweet and creamy and altogether delightful.
Once you have the technique down (and it ain’t higher math), milking takes only ten or twenty minutes. And your back gets used to it (and stronger from all the great raw dairy foods). You get a workout for your hands and arms. Even in cold winter weather, it’s warm under Dear – eight or nine hundred pounds radiating 102 degrees F from two or three inches away is a pretty good heater. And as I’ve used more and more raw dairy (and meat, but that’s another story) since we’ve had the farm, I’ve found that I’ve become increasingly resistant to cold weather, to the point where it really doesn’t bother me.
The milking done, I turn Dear loose in one of the pastures, then filter the milk and divide it into three lots. One is to drink today, and another goes into the “hot box,” our improvised clabbered-milk maker. The rest is saved to make butter and buttermilk.
Then I check the cows’ water, and that’s it for the day. The whole business takes maybe thirty minutes. In the winter, the barn needs cleaning, and hay needs to be put out in the fields in decent weather, or in the barn if it’s inclement. That’s another thirty minutes. But at a cost of thirty to sixty minutes a day, we have all the milk and clabbered milk and butter we could want, plus beef in the pasture (male calves) and a full freezer.

Your Health and Your Cow

Raw milk from a healthy, grassfed animal can, for most people, form the most important part of a marvelously healthy diet. I’m talking the kind of health that can pretty much eliminate doctors and insurance premiums. The raw butter, clabbered milk, yogurt, and kefir you can make can provide a majority of a family’s caloric intake. Not to mention the calf you can raise up every year for meat. Many frontier families literally lived off their family cow, and your family can too. Your homemade dairy foods can be complemented with meat, eggs from your chickens and vegetables to make a vital, life-sustaining diet. If you choose to make it that simple, that’s all you need. Raw animal fat and protein is a crucial part of such a diet, and raw milk is a perfect source.
Security is a very important reason you should have a cow. Secure your own food supply, and your own health. Will raw milk be outlawed where you live (if it hasn’t been already)? Will the farmer you get raw milk from now continue to have it next week? Next year? Five years from now? We asked ourselves those questions – and came up with a lot of maybes.
We decided that the most important thing we could do for ourselves was to take those “maybes” out of our lives. Having a cow requires a decision, two or more acres of pasture, and a fence. By far the hardest part is the decision. Once the decision is made, the rest tends to fall into place.
My decision to have a cow was heavily influenced by my belief that top quality raw milk and raw meat and organs are the most important health-building foods. Raw milk is also the ultimate fast food; I mentioned above enjoying a glass or two fresh from the udder as I milk my cow every morning. Both Joann Grohman, in Keeping a Family Cow, and Bernard Jensen, in Goat Milk Magic, have written of a freshness factor in milk just out of the cow. Dr. Jensen kept goats at his ranch and healing center in California for many years, and wrote that there was a healing quality in the fresh milk that was lost within three hours of milking. This is consistent with my understanding of some of Francis Pottenger’s experiments with animals that involved comparative effects of live grass and weeds with grass cut a few hours ago; animals on live greens had clearly better health.