Headache is a very common health problem. People from all age groups
suffer from headaches from time to time. Headache can cause unbearable
pain along with nausea, and at times vomiting also. This health problem can be due to stress, tension, restlessness, sinus, migraine, lack of sleep, dehydration and so on.
-weight: normal;">There are many over the counter medicines available in the market to get rid of headache. However,
instead of relying too much on such medicines you can always try some
easy home remedies to get instant relief from the pain.
1. Water
If the reason behind the headache is dehydration, then you can easily
get relief from the pain by drinking large amount of water. Water is
very effective home remedy for headaches.
Simply drink a glass of water at the first sign of headache and
continue taking small sips throughout the day. Once your body gets
hydrated the pain will automatically start to ease. Along with water you
can also have sports drinks. The electrolytes present in sports drink
can treat headaches caused due to tension and dehydration. When
suffering from a headache, it is advisable to stay away from any kind of
drinks that can dehydrate your body.
2. Ice Pack
Using an ice pack to apply cold compress over the forehead can give
quick relief from headaches. To apply cold compress you can also apply a
cold cloth on your head and temples for ten minutes and again repeat
the process after some time until you get some relief. A bag of frozen
vegetables can also serve as an icepack. When cold compresses are placed
over the forehead, it numbs the pain and helps the blood vessels to
shrink and improves the blood circulation, thus giving relief from the
pain. This particular remedy works when the headache is due to stress or
3. Hot Water
Applying heat on the back of your neck with the help of a hot water
bag can give you relief from headache caused due to stress. When heat is
applied it relaxes the tense muscles thus giving relief from the
throbbing pain. Along with a hot water bag, you can also take a hot
shower. Another option is fill a tub with bearable hot water and then
put your hands in it for ten to fifteen minutes. When you do this, blood
circulation improves and thus giving your relief from the headache. For
those suffering from chronic headache, must keep their legs dipped in a
bucket filled with hot water for ten minutes before going to bed.
4. Lemon
Lemon is very effective and powerful ingredient to treat headache
pain. When you drink warm water mixed with some lemon juice, it reduces
the intensity of a headache. This particular home remedy is beneficial
when headache is caused due to gas in the stomach.
Another option is apply lemon crust paste on the forehead to get
immediate relief from the pain. At the same time you may also drink a
steaming cup of lemon tea three to four times a day when suffering from
5. Betel Leaves
Betel leaves are known for their analgesic as well as cooling
properties which can hugely help to get rid of a headache effectively
within a few minutes. For this remedy, you need to take two to three
fresh betel leaves and with the help of a grinder make a fine paste out
of it. Now apply this paste on the forehead and both sides of the head
for half an hour. Soon you will get relief from the intense pain. At the
same time you can also chew one or two betel leaves to treat headache.
6. Ginger
Ginger has got anti-inflammatory properties that can help in easing
headache pain. At the same ginger helps in relaxing the blood vessels in
the head and reduces swelling in the brain and activates natural
opiates in the brain which helps in lessening the pain associated with
tension headache. When having a headache, you must drink ginger tea
three to four times a day to reduce inflammation in the body. However,
it is important to take ginger tea at the very beginning of a headache.
This will help the ginger to act quickly and lessen the headache.
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