
уторак, 3. јун 2014.

How to Move to Another Country

Sometimes it is necessary to move countries for whatever reason. It may be a job, family situations or maybe you want a fresh start. Whatever the situation, leaving what you have in your current country that you have made in the previous years will be hard. This guide will aim to help you start a new life abroad.

Plan very carefully. Plan your finances, including every costly action, eg fuel, travel costs, plane tickets etc. Make sure you have a high enough budget to get you to your destination with enough money spare to get accommodation.

Make sure you have a place to go. Don't presume that getting there is enough, you will need accommodation, food, etc. This may be included in a work situation, or indeed family situation but it is still worth making sure that you have somewhere to go.

Understand that you will miss your current friends and family a lot, much more than you think. You may have fall outs with friends but when you move away you will really miss them. Make sure you have means of communication with them and make sure you have their phone numbers, email addresses etc.

Think positive. You will be leaving friends and family behind but you will meet new people. You may think that no-one can match your current friendships but you will soon realize that if you try to get along with people, they will most likely try to get along with you.
Talk to people, make friends. It will happen, just stay positive.

Make sure of research the currency and change your money into their currency. You need to have the right money if you are going to live there. Once you are there this will not be an issue but on your way there you may need some and you will need some cash to start off with.

Research their climate, language, time zone, laws etc. There are loads of things that need to be taken into consideration. For example, you need to know what side of the road they drive on, what language they speak, what their countryside is like, how long it will take to get there etc.

Things may not always go to plan. The idea of a new life and a new start may sound good, however, with all the practicalities can be very stressful. Make sure you know what you are doing and make sure you know that it will not all be easy and stress free. It will take a lot of hard work.

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