Traveling around the world at once is often a cheaper option than
breaking it down into segments. The secret is to plan carefully and
purchase the ticket well in advance. The cost is more than made up for
by the amazing experience of seeing many places in a short period of
time and the memories you'll have for a lifetime. Here are some tips for
how to travel around the world.
Price your trip as an "Around-the-World" ticket. This will be much cheaper than booking a dozen one-way flights. The two largest airline alliances are Star Alliance and Oneworld. The Star Alliance is the bigger alliance.
re networks now that let you stay in a place for free just to feed the cat. Two of the biggest sites are and For an initial fee, you can put up your listing (and don't forget to sell yourself) and meet people looking to leave their home in trustworthy hands. Understandably, there are far more people looking to house sit than need house sitters. When you sign up, do some research on creating a striking profile. Think of it as a job interview where you're in a pool of thousands of applicants (because you are). Set yourself apart from the herd in whatever way you can.
Pack lightly. Unless you have your own personal assistant laying down rose petals 4 paces ahead of you that can carry your 12-piece luggage set, you'll want to pack as lightly as possible. There will be a time (or two or three or four) when you have to carry it all around. It could be between checkout and check-in times for a few hours or it could end up being all day when your hotel reservation gets lost or your flight gets delayed.
Do your research. If you're on a shoestring budget, don't fret. You can still find things to do that are either very cheap or free. Most bigger cities have an arts or theatre scene that's so lively you'll have more options than you can manage.
Stay in touch. For safety purposes, every few days find an Internet cafe and email your parents or friends, so they know where you are in case of an emergency.
Make the most of it. You're about to embark upon a journey that will be life changing. Let it. Meet new people, do things you didn't see yourself doing, and learn from it. This may be your one opportunity.
Price your trip as an "Around-the-World" ticket. This will be much cheaper than booking a dozen one-way flights. The two largest airline alliances are Star Alliance and Oneworld. The Star Alliance is the bigger alliance.
- Star Alliance is based on how many miles you travel and they offer passes in 29,000, 34,000 or 39,000 miles increments. To put that in some context, 29,0000 miles will get you roughly 3 continents (outside of the United States), 34,000 miles will get you 4 continents, and 39,000 will get you 5 or 6 continents. The more miles you get, the more destinations you can see and vice versa. Each pass is allowed up to 15 stopovers (a stopover is considered 24 hours in one destination) and you can get the ticket in first, business, or economy class. Star Alliance also requires passengers start and end in the same country, though not necessarily in the same city. (There are also passes that are limited to geographic regions in the world.)
- Oneworld offers two different kinds of passes: one that is segment
based and another that is mileage based. Global Explorer is Oneworld’s
more conventional, mileage-based ticket. There are three levels –
26,000, 29,000 or 39,000 miles in economy class as well as a 34,000 in
business and first class. Just like with the Star Alliance mileage-based
RTWs, all miles are counted, including overland segments.
- Air travel is generally the most expensive way to travel. Use flight comparison websites such as Travelsupermarket, Skyscanner and Kayak or flight brokers like Travelocity, Expedia and Opodo. Pay close attention to restrictions. Many "Around-the-World" tickets mandate that you must always be going in the same direction, ex. L.A. to London to Moscow. You could not go L.A. to Paris to London. This takes significantly more preparation.
- There are tons of offers out there--most banks have some version of a credit card that has partnered up with an airline, like the American Airlines Citi card.You have to spend a certain amount of money in a certain amount of time, but the rewards can be huge--tens of thousands of miles. You'll need around 120,000 to get a RTW ticket.
For train travel: In the US, you can travel by rail with Amtrak
(if booked far in advance, it can fit any budget). For non-EU citizens
in Europe, look into Eurail passes; for EU citizens, Interail passes are
a good bet. In Asia, the Trans-Siberian railway goes from Moscow to
Beijing where you can connect to Shanghai then Tokyo.
- A Global Eurail pass is around $500 (€390) and will get you to 24 different countries.
- Moscow to Beijing on the Siberian railway (with stops in Irkutsk and Ulaanbaatar) costs $2100 (€1635) for the no-frills, 16 day trip. For each extra person, the cost is a bit less.
For bus/coach: Greyhound is the line to travel by in the US. The
European equivalent would be Eurolines -- where you can travel between
50 or so cities. And Megabus actually operates on both sides of the
lake, going intercity only, however.
- All Greyhound buses are equipped with air conditioning, an on-board restroom, reclining seats with headrests, footrests and tinted windows. In addition to stops en route, buses make rest stops every few hours, and meal stops are scheduled as close to normal meal times as possible.
- Lille to London through Eurolines can be as little as $36 (€28) one-way. If you're only visiting a handful of cities, it can be a good alternative to Eurail. They also offer a free luggage allowance of two medium-sized bags.
- For ship/ferry travel: Cruises can be a frugal option of you think about the money you're saving on accommodation and food. Cunard operate transatlantic cruises; New York to Hamburg (feel like you're on the Titanic!) is currently around $1400 (€1090).TheCruisePeople compare cruise prices, much like Kayak or other airfare websites.
- The length of your stay and your citizenship are both important factors. For most Westerners, it gets easy to assume you can go wherever you damn well please; unfortunately, that's not the case. Do your research well ahead of time--it can take weeks to get a visa approved. And if you're exiting and re-entering a country, know that process, too. You may need a different type of visa.
- Don't let the one bad hostel ruin the whole bunch. There are quite a few reputable chains and you don't have to go wandering up a dark alley to find one. Hostelling International makes finding one easy and just like booking a 4-star hotel. If you're willing to share accommodation with strangers, you can really get a bang out of your buck. And you might meet some fascinating people.
- If you're willing to stay a bit longer, consider woofing. You'll work on an organic farm for as little as a couple of weeks in exchange for a roof over your head and a some meals. You can build up your skills and get much more into the culture than if you stayed in a hotel, frequenting your mini bar.
re networks now that let you stay in a place for free just to feed the cat. Two of the biggest sites are and For an initial fee, you can put up your listing (and don't forget to sell yourself) and meet people looking to leave their home in trustworthy hands. Understandably, there are far more people looking to house sit than need house sitters. When you sign up, do some research on creating a striking profile. Think of it as a job interview where you're in a pool of thousands of applicants (because you are). Set yourself apart from the herd in whatever way you can.
Pack lightly. Unless you have your own personal assistant laying down rose petals 4 paces ahead of you that can carry your 12-piece luggage set, you'll want to pack as lightly as possible. There will be a time (or two or three or four) when you have to carry it all around. It could be between checkout and check-in times for a few hours or it could end up being all day when your hotel reservation gets lost or your flight gets delayed.
- In addition to a few basic sets of clothes, some reading material, some hygienic products, and small electronics, make sure to bring an international plug adapter. You'll be incredibly grateful when you're stuck in Phnom Penh with a dead computer needing to book the next leg of your trip.
- Obviously, first world countries are the most expensive (Europe, Canada, USA, Japan). Second world countries are a bit harder to define, but are usually somewhat developed (Mexico, Eastern Europe, China, Egypt). Third world countries are the cheapest but most difficult places to travel (most of Africa, Bolivia, Peru, SE Asia).
- Alert your bank. Some banks are almost too responsible and will cancel your cards due to suspicious activity. To avoid this, call them before you leave to inform them of your exact itinerary, not just that you're traveling. It's also a good idea to call them when you get back.
- Don't carry around your valuables in a bag that can get easily swept of your shoulder or cut without you noticing. Invest in a money belt or small purse that is worn close to your body. Keep your cash, credit cards, and passport in this.
Do your research. If you're on a shoestring budget, don't fret. You can still find things to do that are either very cheap or free. Most bigger cities have an arts or theatre scene that's so lively you'll have more options than you can manage.
Stay in touch. For safety purposes, every few days find an Internet cafe and email your parents or friends, so they know where you are in case of an emergency.
Make the most of it. You're about to embark upon a journey that will be life changing. Let it. Meet new people, do things you didn't see yourself doing, and learn from it. This may be your one opportunity.
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