
уторак, 10. јун 2014.

How to Create a Forum


    • 1
      Register a domain name for your website at a domain name registrar such as FreeHostia or GoDaddy (see Resources).
    • 2
      Buy a web hosting package to host your website online. Hosting is available from the domain name registrars listed above and many different sites. Buy a package that includes at least one MySQL database.

    • 3
      Download and extract the newest version of the phpBB Installation Package from its official website (see Resources).
    • 4
      Upload every file and folder you just downloaded into the same public location on your website (such as
    • 5
      Open a web browser and navigate to the "install" folder of wherever you put phpBB. If you put it in, go to
    • 6
      Click on the "Install" tab and follow the on-screen instructions to install phpBB. If you get stuck, you can find detailed installation instructions in INSTALL.html and README.html, in the "docs" folder.
    • 7
      Find extra add-ons for your forum and different visual styles from the phpBB website (see Resources).
    • 8
      Tell people to come to your site and start talking.

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